Sunday, August 29, 2010

猿が木から落ちた/Monckey fell off from the tree


I knew one day it's going to happen. How I can not expect it if I have got three sons.

Justin(no3) fell off from the monkey bars and fractured his 2 wrist bones and arm bone. the wrist was bent as well so he stayed in hospital and had surgery to straighten it up. Andrew and I always thought that first son who would break a bone would be Jayden(no2) who is a natural climber. We start taking Jayden to gymnestic class when he was young. Maybe it's working or not, he hasn't had any serrious injures even though he has lots of falls and trip overs.... not yet...maybe.

Dring Justin's stay at hospital, I realized he has got Japanese spirit. At the hospital doctor showed emotional chart to Justin. There were different face expressions from 0 to 10 from a happy face under 0 and a really sad stressed face under 10. Children can express their emotion by pointing to faces. Justin always chose 0 doesn't matter he was cring just before or not. I gave him example that 0 is the feeling when he was happily playing with the monkey bar and 10 is when he fell off from the monckey bar. Justin was thinking for a while and chose 1 which was slightly not super happy but happy. Japanese generally quite good to hiding their feeling and embrassed to show their pain. Justin may be one of them.

Well anyway, PLEASE PLEASE NO MORE injuries! NO MORE TROUBLE!!Before my hair gets completely gray!!!


  1. Poor little guy. Hope he sleeps okay.

    I've never noticed that your hair is grey at all, Miki.

  2. Thanks Nick. Iam tring hard to hiding them.I generally don't like using chemical hair dye so I'm using Hena.It looks and smells cow's poo and I have to smear it on my hair at least 4 hours with glad wrapping my head. Looks ridiculous but Andrew has a fun to laughing at me.Keeping beauty is a hard work!! I don't know how Nami can keep her beauty.Anyway do you want to try Hena next time we visit you?

  3. 久しぶり~と思ったらそんな事が起きてたんですね。
    結は無事NZ生活を満喫して帰ってきました。Tina達も変わらず元気そうで。すっかりkiwi English になったけど。


  4. ええ、ここんとこ本当にいろんな事が起きてるんですよ~、、、まだここに書いてないだけ。やつれてます、、、とにかく無事帰国おめでとう!!私たちも7月の後半に4日間だけ行ってたんだよ~。詳しいことはまた書くけどさ。アンドリューも修学旅行で近ぢかそちらに行くよ~。私はまたもお留守番、、、ぐすん、、、

  5. No thanks I don't need Hena. I like my grey hair. I worked hard for it.
